ONELOGIN Product Notification

Critical Alerts
This email contains important information relating to OneLogin VLDAP certificates.   
Dear OneLogin Administrator, 
As part of our ongoing security focus, OneLogin will perform routine maintenance to renew the certificate for *, which expires on March 21st, 2024. The new certificate is valid for approximately one year. 
If you have not installed the intermediate certificate, then no action is necessary, and you can disregard this message. 
We will deploy the new certificate on March 18th, 2024. 
  • US shard: 11:00pm – 2:00am PDT 
If you have installed the intermediate certificate bundle with your LDAP clients that use VLDAP, you must download and install the updated intermediate certificate bundle by March 21st, 2024 to avoid a service disruption. For complete information regarding the VLDAP client and the certificate bundles, please see KB article.  
Most LDAP clients do not require certificates.  
If you have any questions or concerns please contact OneLogin support
Thank you, 
The OneLogin Team