Guide to One Identity Support

One Identity Support provides expert technical assistance worldwide through highly experienced professionals committed to customer satisfaction. Our highly skilled support engineers have comprehensive knowledge of our different solutions. 

Excellence in customer support goes beyond just providing technical answers. Our goal is to give you the most positive user experience by providing you with the most robust self-service tools to quickly, efficiently, and independently find answers to most questions right at your fingertips.

One Identity Support Policies
Below you will find an overview of the One Identity Support services we provide when you purchase a support program and how to utilize the different tools provided to give you the most positive experience.

One Identity Support Guide

One Identity Support Quick Reference Guide

Step One
We assign a unique case number to all requests for assistance. These case numbers allow us to prioritize and track all cases through resolution, and allow you to get a status update of your case via our support portal. 

Step Two
All cases are assigned a severity level, and are placed in a queue to be processed by the next available Support Engineer. A Support Engineer takes ownership of your service request and sees it through to successful resolution. 

Step Three
The Support Engineer will contact you, gather any additional information needed, and will investigate to determine the proper course of action. This may require the engineer to re-create the issue, work with our development team, and help you with configuration of the software. 

Step Four
If the Support Engineer and development team determine that the issue is a product defect, a defect ID and priority level will be assigned to the issue. If the defect is a high priority and a hotfix is planned, the Support Engineer will notify you of its availability.

Prior to creating a Case, you may want to review these helpful tips:

  • Check the online help included with your product.
  • Check your Product Documentation.
  • Check release notes and self-service Knowledge Base solutions on our support portal.
  • Consult your product’s community forum, if available.
  • Try to see if the problem is reproducible.
  • Check to see if the problem is isolated to one machine or more.
  • Note any recent changes to your system and environment.
  • Note the version of your software and environment details such as OS, database, etc.
  • Note the service tag of the appliance or solution (when applicable).
  • Note your product license number as we require you provide your license number on certain products
  • Note the issue description including frequency of occurrence, error messages and any troubleshooting activities.
  • Collect any relevant screenshots, technical service reports, log files and trace logs (when applicable).

Contact Support to Log a Case

For the fastest response, log your case through the Case creation tool. Requests for technical assistance can also be created via phone to the Support Center in your region using the numbers listed on the Contact Support page. Support is provided in English with local language accommodated when possible.

We also provide real time assistance on social channels and community forums. We have dedicated support engineers who participate in community discussions to provide a proactive approach to helping you quickly find the answers you need. We encourage you to participate in our One Identity Community by sharing your knowledge and promoting content you find helpful.

All cases are assigned a severity level from 1 to 4 based on the impact on your business. You determine the initial severity level when placing a request for assistance. Severity levels may be changed after initial contact and assessment of the issue from Support Engineer, provided that you are in agreement. 

The following table defines the severity levels and the targeted initial response time for Standard Support, 24x7 Support, and Premier Support. It is helpful to clearly explain the business impact of your issue when contacting us. 

  • Standard Support available during local business hours
  • 24x7 Support for severity level 1 issues only
  • Premier Support available with an active Standard or 24x7 Support contract

Severity Level


Initial Response
Standard Support

Initial Response 24x7 Support

Initial Response Premier Support

Level 1

Critical business impact
Customer's production use of products on a primary business service, major application or mission-critical system is stopped or so severely impacted that the customer cannot reasonably continue work. 

For Severity Level 1 problems, we will begin work on the problem within one hour of notification and handle as the highest priority until the customer is given a fix or workaround. Customer resources must be made available in Severity Level 1 situations and reasonably cooperate to help resolve the issue.

Severity Level 1 problems could have the following characteristics:

  • System hangs or crash situations
  • Data loss or data corruption
  • Critical functionality not available
  • Appliance is down (customer must be on-site to troubleshoot)

Note: Severity Level 1 issues must be reported via telephone.

Within 1 hourWithin 1 hourWithin 1/2 hour

Level 2

Significant Business Impact:

Important product features are unavailable with no acceptable workaround. Customer's implementation or production use of Quest's products in a primary business service, major applications or mission critical systems are functioning with limited capabilities or are unstable with periodic interruptions. The software may be operating but is severely restricted.

Severity Level 2 problems could have the following characteristics:

  • Product error or failure forcing a restart or recovery
  • Severely degraded performance
  • Functionality unavailable but the system is able to operate in a restricted fashion.
Within 2 hoursWithin 2 hoursWithin 1 hour

Level 3

Minimal Business Impact:

Product features are unavailable but a workaround exists and the majority of software functions are still usable. Minor function/feature failure that the customer can easily circumvent or avoid. Customer's work has minor loss of operational functionality.

Severity Level 3 problems could have the following characteristics:

  • Error message with workaround
  • Minimal performance degradation
  • Incorrect product behavior with minor impact
  • Questions on product functionality or configuration during implementation

Level 3 is the default severity level setting.

Within 4 hoursWithin 4 hoursWithin 2 hours

Level 4

Nominal Business Impact:

A minor problem or question that does not affect the software function. For example, a request for information on how to use a particular feature, a general question or requests for documentation or enhancements.

Severity Level 4 problems could have the following characteristics:

  • General requests for advice on product usage
  • Clarification on product documentation or release notes
  • Product enhancement request
Within 1
Business Day
Within 1
Business Day
Within 4 hours


Closing a Service Request

Service Requests remain open until you are satisfied that the issue has been resolved. Exceptions to this policy apply to Service Requests for product enhancements and product defects. You can also close service requests via the My Case section.

Re-Opening a Case

You can now re-open Cases that have been closed within 30 days of the close date. If you attempt to re-open a closed case after 30 days, a new case will be created with a link to the original case. You have the ability to re-open your closed case from the My Case section of the Support Portal. 

Escalation Guidelines

Our goal is to resolve all Cases in a satisfactory and timely manner; however, we realize that some situations may require increased attention and focus within the Support team. You can raise the severity of a case, through the online case tool, or call us and request to speak with a Support Manager. 

Upon your request, the Support Manager will evaluate the service request and create an action plan. If you are not satisfied with the plan or with the progress of the case after the plan has been implemented, you may contact the Director of Technical Support, who will review the case with the Support Manager and determine if different or additional actions are required.

At the time of purchase, the primary contact designated on the order form is e-mailed a welcome letter that contains a License Number and your company's Account ID Number. The License Number identifies the asset you purchased and the Account ID identifies the organization who purchased it.

These numbers are assigned to your company when a license and/or maintenance contract is purchased. Once you have your License Number and Account ID Number, you will be prompted to register your product for support using the license number or service tag. Once the product is registered, you will be able to manage your asset, download software, access support information and submit service requests.

When contacting support or registering your product for support on the support portal, you will need to provide either your License Number (preferred) or your Account ID.

If you do not know your License Number or Account ID, use one of two options to contact a support administrator:

  • Call via the numbers listed on the Contact Support page.
  • Fill out a “Trouble registering on the website” Customer Service form.

Customer Service

A Customer Service Administrator is identified as the first person to register the product license number on the support portal. A group can have more than one administrator but requires at least one person for the product license number to be registered. The administrator can add or remove Support Users and License Users to the group. A Support User can submit Service Requests, download new software releases and view asset information. License Users can obtain license keys via self-service or by contacting our license assistance administration.

The One Identity Renewals team can assist you with questions regarding your support maintenance contract or upgrading to another support offering. For more information, including support options, contact information, frequently asked questions, visit our Renew Support page.

Upgrading Your Support Program

If at any time your business demands a higher level of support, we can help you find a service that better fits your needs.

Renewing Support

A One Identity Renewal Representative will send you a renewal notice prior to the end of your current support contract. To avoid unnecessary interruptions of support services contact the One Identity Renewal team if you have any questions about the status of your current support contract or pending renewal. 

Lapsed Support

Without a current support contract, you will not be able to contact One Identity for technical assistance or access many services on the Support Portal like the Knowledge Base or chat functionality. We cannot guarantee immediate assistance if you allow your support contract to lapse or if you choose not to purchase support until after a support issue arises. 

The Product Support Lifecycle describes the phases during which our products are eligible for patches (fixes), support and downloads from the Support Portal.

It is our policy to provide support and fixes in current versions of our products when you are under a current support agreement. Fixes to older versions are at our discretion. We strive to put resources behind the most recent product releases in order to continually improve and enhance the value of our solutions.

We will attempt to answer questions on older versions of our products provided resources are available; however, if you are using a discontinued version, we encourage you to upgrade to the currently supported version of the product.

Our usual support policy is to provide support on both the current (n) and prior (n-1) versions of our products. Refer to the product lifecycle table on your Product Support Page or Knowledge Base for more information.

Full Support

  • Product is fully supported, generally available release/version.
  • Includes most current released version of a product and one or more prior releases.
  • Enhancement requests for this release are accepted and may be considered for future releases.
  • Maintenance releases and/or hot fixes are periodically made available for this release.
  • Release/version is fully supported by both Support and Development.
  • Release/version is available for download from Support Portal.

Limited Support

  • Support is available for this release/version, and we will use best efforts to provide known workarounds or fixes.
  • No new code fixes will be generated except under extreme circumstances and at our discretion.
  • Enhancement requests are not accepted.
  • You are encouraged to plan an upgrade to a release/version on "Full Support".
  • Release/version is available for download from the Support Portal.1


  • Includes release or versions that are retired or discontinued.
  • No new patches or fixes will be created for this release.
  • Release is not available for download from our Support Portal.
  • To ensure you are fully supported, customers should upgrade to a product version which is in Full Support
  • Support is here to assist with general upgrade questions, however, should a detailed upgrade plan be necessary, engagement by our Professional Services division may be required.
  • Support is not obligated to provide assistance on this version of the product.


    1Software released prior to November 1, 2016 may not be available for download. Quest recommendation is to retain a local copy of all software onsite for back up and disaster recovery purposes.

    Product Enhancements

    If you are interested in submitting product enhancement requests, you can do so by creating a case. Once documented, the request will be submitted into the enhancement review system and an identification number will be provided to you. Your case will remain open until a decision has been made regarding your request.

    Product Management will review the open enhancement requests on a periodic basis and consider them for inclusion in a future product release. Product enhancements will not be considered or implemented in current or prior product releases. There is no guarantee that a specific enhancement request will be implemented in a future version of our product. It is at our discretion if a certain enhancement will be offered for an additional charge or as a chargeable option.

    Product Defects

    If your issue is determined to be a defect in the product, it is recorded in our defect tracking system and a unique Defect Identifier (ID) will be provided to you. Your case will remain open until a decision has been made regarding the defect. Notifications of new product releases will be emailed to you as long as you who have configured your profile to receive product notifications. Release Notes for new releases of products will contain a list of “Resolved Issues” that were addressed in the release. You can review the release notes or search the Knowledge Base on the Support Portal using your Defect Identifier to see if the issue has been addressed. We do not guarantee that all defects identified will be fixed in a future release of the product.

    Our products have license keys generated for their use. Some products require a new license key when upgrading to a new release and/or patch. We also recommend that prior to any migration or upgrade of products, new licenses are confirmed as functioning properly as some license keys are machine and machine name specific.
    If you have questions regarding licensing of a product please complete the form available on the Licensing Assistance page. A Licensing Representative will respond to your query within 24 hours.

    Support for Trial Users

    We offer software trials on selected products for evaluation purposes. Support for trial users is limited to 30 days from the registration date. Cases for your trial software may only be submitted during the first 30 days of your testing period. 

    Customizations policy for One Identity products

    A customization indicates functionality and configurations added to a product that are not provided as part of the core product release and, as such, would be outside the scope of normal support and maintenance. Customizations may take the form of new or modified scripts used within or alongside our products, as well as additional functionality such as custom reports, dashboards, rules, automated actions, etc. developed by you, your partners, or our services organization. 

    Support and Customizations

    We do not perform or maintain customizations. The design and development of customizations to our products is your responsibility. Assistance from support will be limited to helping ensure that the product's functionality which enables the addition of customizations is functioning as expected. Alternatively, you may obtain guidance through product specific community sites or the Support Knowledge Base. 

    Advanced Assistance

    If more thorough and detailed assistance is needed to design and develop customizations, we recommend that you engage our One Identity Services team or fully certified partners to assist. Their expertise in designing customized solutions will ensure customers receive maximum value and product adoption. In addition to providing post-implementation expert services, One Identity Services also offers a variety of pre-packaged customizations for some products which may meet your specific requirements. 

    We recommend that you obtain the appropriate product training before attempting to design, develop, and implement any customization to our products. Our training courses will equip you with the necessary knowledge and ability to design and implement effective changes to our products. For more detail on the training services available, please refer to Educational Services.

    Maintaining Customizations

    Careful consideration should be given to all customizations during future migration or upgrade exercises to new product and platform versions. Customizations could inhibit the upgrade itself and may require a level of re-work to continue functioning properly. Support does not take ownership for any customizations. We strongly encourage you to document and maintain records on any implemented customization work. These records can be useful in isolating problems that may be attributable to the customization or a defect in the core product.

    Support Policy on Product Preview Features
    One Identity may provide customers with previews of planned functionality in the form of “Preview Features” within a particular product version release. These features provide customers with an insight into product direction and plans for enhanced functionality. All preview features are clearly referenced within the product documentation. All shared Preview Features have completed QA release testing. However, customers must consider these shared Preview Features as a work-in-progress as they may not represent the final design. For this reason, customers should note the following limitations with regards to Preview Features of which we are keen to receive feedback.

    The Support team will:

    • Accept and review each service request opened regarding a Preview Feature
    • Consider all service requests relating to a Preview Features as severity level 3
    • Provide best effort support to resolve any issues relating to a Preview Feature
    • Work with customers to log any product defects or enhancements relating to Preview Features
    • Not accept requests for escalations regarding Preview Features
    • Not provide after-hours support for Preview Features

    Additionally, please note that after a change request is provided the service request will be archived.


    Support Policy on Virtualization

    Virtualization is a technique for hiding the physical characteristics of computing resources from the way in which other systems, applications or end users interact with those resources. It is able to make a single physical resource, such as a server, operating system, application or storage device, appear to function as multiple logical devices. It can also make multiple physical resources such as storage devices or servers appear as a single logical resource. As a result virtualization enables IT departments to increase the utilization of resources, increase high availability, and simplify back-up, systems administration and recovery procedures. It also allows IT departments to be more responsive to the dynamic needs of the business. Examples of virtualization technologies include VMware ESX Server, Citrix/XenServer and Microsoft Hyper-V.

    Our products leverage the binary compatibility offered through virtualization technologies, which provide complete transparency to the operating systems and applications deployed. As a result, for all casework received where the One Identity product is being used in a virtual environment, we will assume that the problem is common to both native and virtual operating environments, and that we will only require the customer to recreate the problem in a native environment if and when there is reason to believe that the problem is unique to the virtual environment itself. 

    From a purely functional perspective, our products will operate in exactly the same way, however we can make no guarantees with respect to performance or scalability in a virtualization environment. Configuration aspects such as CPU, memory availability, I/O subsystem and network infrastructure can all influence such a deployment, which should be given careful consideration to ensure the virtual layer has the necessary resources available to provide a satisfactory user experience. When attempting to resolve performance issues with One Identity products, support may request that our products be installed directly upon physical hardware in an attempt to eliminate the virtualization layer from being the cause.

    Support Policy on Third-Party Software

    We are committed to providing products which work on the latest platforms and technologies available in the industry today. We work closely with technology vendors to ensure earliest possible compatibility with our solutions. We provide full details of all systems requirements, together with platform and third-party product versions supported with our products, in the Release Notes published for each product. These include operating system versions, service pack levels, mail clients or server versions, database versions, browsers and other related technology supported and at which particular version level our products have been formally tested and certified to run against. The support of future platform versions, new service packs and other related technologies would be taken into consideration and addressed during the regular product maintenance and release cycles of our products. This provides ongoing upward compatibility of our products as used in customer environments. It should be noted therefore that there could be a delay between the availability of the latest platform technology release or service patch, and the product version certified to operate against this. Please contact Support should you have any questions with regards to the current support status of any product and a particular related platform, patch or third-party product support not explicitly documented in our release notes.

    For more information about the latest third-party platforms and versions supported, please review the System Requirements section of the release notes for your product or search our Knowledge Base on the Support Portal. Please note that while we do not directly or officially support third-party software, we work closely with many other providers to ensure our customers receive the best possible service at all times.

    Regional software license agreement applicable to your use of the software is available below (including software preinstalled on hardware or made available to you by download, disk media or otherwise, at no additional cost). 

    Click here to find your regional agreement.

    A security vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in the design, implementation, operation or management of a product or service that could be exploited to violate the system's security policy. To protect businesses and organizations worldwide, it is critical that the broader community of IT and security professionals report potential vulnerabilities as soon as they are recognized. This allows industry experts to take appropriate action to resolve any vulnerability that is discovered. 

    Click here to review Vulnerability Reporting information.

    Click here to review Vulnerability Reporting Acknowledgements.